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Digital Stories

OCT 27, 2011

Protecting the Dancers

Martha Wittman: Well, okay (laughs). She’s always so amazing. So what I feel what’s distinctive about her is her brilliance in bringing people together and her ability to listen and I think that’s present all the time in rehearsal or community or wherever we’re working.

OCT 27, 2011

Dance Exchange Matters

Nora Baker: It’s kind of something, dance is something that I do now. It's a very large part of my life, kind of, TX, DX, and school. And then some little things in between those. It's kind of the second main component of my life right now.

SEP 30, 2011

Dance Exchange Style of Creating Choreography

Elliot Rosen: The process in which I experienced it, it is not having a choreographer standing on one end of the room, saying, 'Okay, you now go over there and do something.' It is a collaborative thinking process between the dancers and the choreographer...